About Us

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We provide product service and support for paging within the emergency services.

Our high level of technical service and knowledge enables us to provide excellent in-house customer support for all existing and new products that we sell.

Unlike impersonal companies that tie you in to a contract, Cascode will work with you to provide Alerters as and when you need them.

Our technical experience allows us to maintain products to the highest quality right down to their component level – we make all our Alerters in-house and are always approachable for maintenance and servicing.

Specially designed and maintained

Our specialism is Datanet’s legacy 2A Alerter, specially designed and maintained by Andrew Cygan, and now exclusively manufactured and serviced by Cascode.

It’s flexible features are fully programmable by the system programmer, which enables the 2A to be 100% compatible with all existing mobilising systems (whatever their current configuration).

IT teams are free to customise their 2A Alerters however they see fit – with technical support on hand at all times at Cascode.

Intense high alerts you can see and hear

From the user’s perspective, its super bright LED’s provide instant call type recognition. And it’s very loud modulating tone cadences and combined integral vibrating alert, penetrate the most difficult of environments.

Cascode is proud to sell the 2A and will happily service your old Datanet Alerters – we regularly see units that are 15 years old and still going strong, which is a wonderful testament to their longevity.

We are also able to supply the Apollo Gold RT760 alphanumeric pager.
